State of Mind: August 2018

August shines-on with a bittersweet aura of autumn solstice lurks through the warm horizon.    Calm, yet hectic, this is a time of year of joyous milestones and heavy hearts.  An opportunity for a fresh start motivates us to reform old habits to accomplish new goals. It was the influence of a timeless white sneaker that inspired The…

State of Mind: July 2018


July makes its mark with the privilege of hosting America’s Birthday celebration. The month sets the stage with a universal sparkle of red, white, and blue.  The calendar’s number seven better known as the “Dog days” of summer. The season’s runway is bold, bright, and brave, encouraging a dress code for sunbathing, surfing, and sailing. Less is more,…

State of Mind: June 2018


Warmer days and endless nights represent the month of June and the start of summer’s short and spunky stay.  Whether you are headed to the boardroom or off to a weekend on the water, the rule of thumb is less is more and white is right. The calendar pays respect to Fathers, friendship, and the fashion-forward flip-flop.…

State of Mind: May 2018

The Month of May State of mind 2018 Forever Chic by Meg

The month of May was named for the Greek Goddess Maia who represents spring, growth, and fertility.  This could not be truer for this time of year as Mother Nature transforms into a summer splendor. The weather and temperatures during this time can be chaotic as they find the seasons happy place.  With such uncertainty,…