Sade Adu

Last week Vogue Daily featured a story about the artist Sade Adu inspired by the recent events publicized on social media regarding the rapper Drake’s decision to tattoo her portrait on his torso.  Although, I missed the feed frenzy the gorgeous images of Sade in the editorial moved me to take a journey on Pinterest…

Razzle Dazzle Elegance: Rebecca De Ravenel


Last season Rebecca De Ravenel entered the fashion scene introducing Les Bonbon, the attractive ear decoration high in demand and considered a year-round fashion trimming.  The Los Angeles-based artist who designed the handmade beaded balls likely inherited her creative talents and chic bohemian glamor from childhood shared between the best of two worlds the exotic…


The Update is a tribute to the French label Sezane. The fashion group is the first from the country to sell exclusively online with a business model that is direct to customers for a hassle-free environment.  The clothing, accessories, and footwear are a mix of carefree sophistication characteristic of the distinctive French flair and lifestyle…