State of Mind: May 2020

Style Inspiration for State of Mind May 2020 Forever Chic by Meg

May marks the ninth week of the Stay Home Mandate. This is a moment when the creative and crafty will prevail to design restained summertime routines. Regardless of the limitations, Mother Nature continues to bloom and we get more and more anxious to be outdoors. Perhaps the one blessing in all of this is the…

State of Mind: April 2020

Style Inspiration for State of Mind April 2020 Forever Chic by Meg

The personality of April 2020 is slightly out of sorts as we adhere to a new normal.  As always the spring season is a time of transformation and growth. This year is no exception. The radical change brought about by COVID-19 has shifted our style of life completely. Our mindsets move from chaos to calmness…

State of Mind: March 2020

Style Inspiration for State of Mind March 2020 Forever Chic by Meg

March has a reputation for being extremely temperamental.  As they say, in like a lion and out like a lamb.  Unfortunately this year the end of the phrase is yet to be determined.   As we venture into this unprecedented moment in life the world is paused to adhere to  CORVID-19. As with every challenge…