Christie’s celebrated the opening of Maharajas & Mughal Magnificence. This was a jewelry auction designed for the gemstone fanatics in awe of five hundred decades of Indian bauble. The assortment up for grabs were trinkets compiled by the Al Thani family of Qatar.
Town & Country promoted the occasion through the artistry of contributing editor Claiborne Swanson Frank. The stylish shutter-fly was asked to bring the historic sparkle into present-day fashion. The gallery worthy portraits showcased a group of contemporary contessas for their modern glamour and worldly influence. All the ladies were dressed in easy elegance to radiate the beauty and superiority of the brilliance they were asked to model.
All of Swanson’s well-known projects focus on the meaning and significance behind the image. The jewelry auction pictures are no different. The story represents the circle of life. An opportunity to respect the merits of the past while creating a memorable future.
Forever Chic!