Beauty Fashion


Chantecaille Fashion Beauty Forever Chic by Meg

Chantecaille is the French Cosmetics Company with core values that include family, tradition, and quality.  Drawn to their best practices; no animal testing, sulfate-free, detergents, phthalates, and non-synthetic colors or fragrances.  I wholeheartedly support the mission is to raise awareness about environmental issues that continue to endanger the world.

I adore their natural style and am a devoted user of their future skin foundation and cream cheek compact.  The less is more approach is the perfect amount of artistic influence for an outdoorsy glow.

Chantecaille beauty works from the outside-in, as the investment will benefit the well-being of all natures’ creatures.  

Forever Chic!

Chantecaille Fashion Beauty Forever Chic by Meg
Spring 2015 Look #1
Chantecaille Fashion Beauty Forever Chic by Meg
Spring 2015 Look #2

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